Saturday, August 08, 2009

Eastbound and traveling.


Sorry for not posting lately. I starting redesigning my website and found myself knee deep in actionscript coding and not doing too much else. So suffice to say I had no pictures to post. And I forgot. But do visit. I also decided to start posting to a blog of my own (I suppose I am growing up)

Moving on to greener pastures:

There was an event at a homeless shelter in Tallahassee, and the FSU football team stopped by for a spell.

f3.5 | 1/160 | ISO 1250 | 18mm (wide angle lens distortion, yo!)

They were big.

Friday, August 07, 2009

A ballad


ISO 1600 | 105mm | f/4.5 | 1/10sec

One of the few bats that live in the woods behind our house.
This particular one made an erratic maneuver in the shape of a large swoop downwards.
His aim was straight towards me.
We both missed each other, but I believe it was for the best.
For I don't think we'd have made a good couple.

True story.

Monday, August 03, 2009


I too got a job doing photos. The deal is I am contracted to Portland Parks & Recreation to photograph the Washington Park Summer Concerts Festival. I've been doing sound (stage hands work, set up tare down, load in, load out) there for the last four years with my dad, even though I'm contracted to the sound company. So this year I'm doing both! I do the sound job, set up and what not, then during the concert I'm covering the event with my lens(es)! It's a sweet deal, and this was a photo during the Portland Festival Symphony (hints the black and white uniform)

In this photo: NP

1/250th f/2.8 41mm ISO 400